Friday, August 10, 2007


Hi everyone! It was a pleasure meeting Heather and chatting with her at the conference. She asked me if I would be willing to write an introductory blog, and I agreed.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm a native cuer originally from Texas who grew up on the east coast. I was mainstreamed with a cued language transliterator from kindergarten through college. I'm also an NCSA-certified instructor of CS, and have taught a number of workshops at camps. I'm absolutely thrilled that this little community in Utah is growing and it warms me to hear that you all are so dedicated and have been working your ***** off this summer to prepare for classes.

I can be reached at or

Happy cueing AND happy Friday!

1 comment:

Emilie said...

Hey Hilary :) Emilie here, nice to have you join us.